My name is Marina Milkis. I was born and grew up in Moscow, the capital of Russia. I have been interested in teaching since childhood. I can trace 20 educators through several generations of my relatives. I graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University. I worked as a primary school teacher for about 10 years. I came to the USA in 2004. | |
My name is George Bernstein. I was born in 1966, in one of the most amazing Black sea resort, Batumi town, Georgia. Since 1985 I have been working in different non-profit educational organizations and institutions worldwide. My experiences support me so much to generate innovative ideas and insights for building new educational programs and develop teaching process of foreign languages internationally. | |
My name is Svetlana Ryzhik. Math has been my favorite subject since middle school. Later, I came to love teaching math, and I believe that children can learn and improve their results through getting extra practice and extra help. | |
My name is Ninel Vapnyar. I immigrated to the United States from Russia in 1994.
In Russia, I at first worked as an elementary school teacher, and later, at about 30 years, worked as a professor at Moscow State Educational University; preparing teachers for elementary school education. | |
My name is Ewald Rondelli. I was born in 1934 in Tbilisi, capital of Georgian Republic. Now I live in NY. I speak 9 languages and know many more to start conversations with different people and make them comfortable. | |